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Emotional and Social Intelligence: A Journey of Discovery

What makes the difference between the effective Intelligent and not so effective leader
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Creating healthy workplaces through emotionally intelligent leadership

If you are looking to harness the power of emotional intelligence, the five-step process that Richard Boyatzis designed in 1989 has become the golden standard.
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Creating a winning team culture

It can make – or break – a person, division and business, but there are some simple and pragmatic ways to ensure that team culture is a priority in your business.
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Are your ideas going down the drain?

Collaboration and respect are the cornerstones of great teamwork and every high performing team shares these attributes. Yet sometimes the practice of challenging ideas and speaking up gets lost, and creativity and innovation start to flail.
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Learning can be learned

In today’s society where technological and other change happens at such a pace, none of us can afford to give up on the idea of learning. Learning is as much a constant as is change. And we need to master both.
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How to Make Better Small Talk

Making small talk is a part of everyday life but it can be intimidating. Here are some tips that will help you overcome any anxiety and develop your ability to start up and maintain conversations with others.
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Harnessing the power of Workplace Diversity

Diversity brings together many perspectives, experiences and approaches to problem solving and if you can harness this in the right way, it can bring about exceptional results.
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The pitfalls of perfection

If you are accustomed to striving for perfection, leaving it behind is hard. There are a few tips to help you overcome the pursuit of perfection.
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Emotionally Intelligent leaders create great cultures. Here's why!

Emotionally intelligent leaders take the time to find ways to hone their abilities to connect with their people and create a positive working environment.
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Company Culture - Do you have a plan?

A healthy, functioning culture has a huge influence on the financial and operational success of a business, but there’s no magic formula to cultural change. If you start to focus on behaviours, you can start to initiate real change. Here are some proven principles to get you started on this journey, because if you start to change behaviour, an evolution in mindset will follow.
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Transformational Leadership

A 'transformational' leader values learning and development as they know that in the end they will get more out of their people, and their people will get more satisfaction out of their role.
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Fast Inclusive Decision Making

Recent research has concluded that quick decision making provides better results as long as appropriate team members are involved or at the very least are kept informed (inclusive).
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Achieve Excellence with High Performing Teams

What is the key to creating success? Here are a few practical tips to use with your team.
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Discovering your emotional intelligence

What influences a company's financial performance? Sales, costs, price and demand are a few of the elements that create bottom-line success. Yet, the mood and behaviour of a CEO also has a tangible influence on the balance sheet.
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Bring Out the Best in Your Team

When teams form to take on tasks, they are seldom able to tap the full knowledge of every member, in large part because the most confident, outgoing people get the most airtime, even if they’re not the most expert.
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Why 'Thought Diversity' Is The Future Of The Workplace

Engagement with an organisation starts during the interview process. And a proper induction process is essential so make the first day meaningful.
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How to create a culture of feedback

You have probably already noticed that the culture of “feedback” does not exist in many organisations. This comes with a cost, which is always undesirable in any organization.
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10 Ways to Improve Your Team Engagement

Engagement with an organisation starts during the interview process. And a proper induction process is essential so make the first day meaningful.
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How to Make Yourself Work When You Just Don't Want To

There’s that project you’ve left on the backburner - the one with the deadline that’s growing uncomfortably near. And there’s the client whose phone call you really should return – the one that does nothing but complain and eat up your valuable time.
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Should Leaders Focus on Results, or on People?

A lot of ink has been spilled on people's opinions of what makes for a great leader. As a scientist, I like to turn to the data. In 2009, James Zenger published a fascinating survey of 60,000 employees to identify how different characteristics of a leader combine to affect employee perceptions of whether the boss is a "great" leader or not. Wait, weren’t you going to try to go to the gym more often this year?
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The Power of Praise: 'Thank You' Goes a Long Way

Don’t hold off until annual performance reviews to praise stellar employees. A simple “thank you” here and there can boost efficiency and even help your business make more money.
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Bad habits of good negotiators

Negotiations start with the exchange of information. Many people view this process like playing a poker game. Why should I tip my hand before I’ve seen yours?
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What motivates us at work?

"When we think about how people work, the naïve intuition we have is that people are like rats in a maze," says behavioral economist Dan Ariely in today’s talk, given at TEDxRiodelaPlata. "We really have this incredibly simplistic view of why people work and what the labor market looks like."
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Creative Leadership: Humility and Being Wrong

During one of the 2004 presidential debates, an audience member stood up and asked Democrat John Kerry if he could give an example of when he had been wrong about something. The questioner was asking the question as a measure of character and trying to divine whether Kerry, like President George W. Bush, was a leader who never admitted an error in judgment. (Bush had been adamant in the contention that “no mistakes were made” in the Iraq War.)
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7 Surprising Reasons Why You Have Healthy Corporate Culture

"In order for a company to realize success over the long-term, they must first create a healthy work environment and then maintain it.
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The Hard Science of Teamwork

Like many people, I've encountered teams that are "clicking." I've experienced the "buzz" of a group that's blazing away with new ideas in a way that makes it seem they can read each others' minds. We think of building teams that operate on this plane as an art, or even magic. It's not something you can plan; it's lightning-in-a-bottle stuff that you just embrace when you're lucky enough to come across it.
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The Chameleon Leader

The stock market and economic commentators change their minds about the state of the economy almost on a weekly basis. The signals are mixed. It varies considerably from continent to continent, and even within regions. Is it any wonder leader managers increasingly face uncertainty. In the face of this uncertainty the watch-words for leaders are 'Adaptability', and 'Resilience'.
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Board Performance

This thought piece will attempt to break down the components that make up Board Performance.
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Leader Effectiveness

This spotlight thought piece is about a Leader’s need to inspire (amongst others) a sense of shared purpose and direction and create a sense of alignment to the achievement of organisational goals.
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Intelligent Leadership

A Journey of Discovery
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Essential Guide to Successful Meetings

Planning is the key to successful meetings. It is important that initial planning considerations include the "Five W's and One H" - why, who, what, when and how.
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Feedback Process by 360

A 360 profile is a multi-rater profile which includes anonymous feedback from a person’s manager, peers and direct reports if they have them.
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Thinking Strategically

One of the eight factors in the 360 Leadership Behaviours Profile (LBP) recognises the importance of thinking strategically and then putting those thoughts into action.
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A Case for Sustainability

"Business as Usual" as the prevailing Business Model for Boards and individual Directors is now increasingly (perhaps even exponentially) out of touch.
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Learning Energy: For Self-Mastery

'Learning Energy' is described as the degree of preparedness to exert energy to acquire knowledge, insight or skill.
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Pull the Digit Out!

The ability of businesses to interact with the clients and customers, even in remote locations, is astounding. In short, the capacity for entities to perform, to deliver and to improve has been elevated to a higher plane because of digitisation.
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Organisational Awareness

Intelligent Leaders need to develop insight into the workings of their organisation. This requires deliberate inquisitiveness over time and the development and maintenance of critical network links, how they function together and how that impacts on the organisation's culture.
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