TLS has an experienced and efficient inhouse IT design and support team. This allows us to provide a secure data collection and processing service for a
client's own surveys, performance appraisal systems, or profiling tools.
We can help an organisation with design services for their specific needs - where an emphasis is on leadership development,
personal development and/or performance, teamwork, business results, wellbeing and climate surveys.
We custom design:
- Custom Branded Capability Frameworks
- In-house Leadership Development Programs
- Questionnaires
- Output profile reports based on a capability framework of your choice
- Individual 360 feedback process
- Team multirater feedback process
- Self/single rater profiles
- Customer Satisfaction surveys
- Results & Data analysis
- Recommendations for action
- Inhouse Climate surveys
Client Project Examples
Global Logistics
For a leading global logistics company, TLS designed a tailored, in-house leadership development program built around a
custom-branded capability framework that we developed specifically for them.
The program features a three-step structure, with distinct output profiles integrated at each level of leadership development within the organisation.
This program has been successfully implemented for 25 years and remains a core element of the company's approach to team member performance and career progression.
Development of a secure online questionnaire for data collection and a report processing system for the
Universal Wellbeing Evaluation Tool (UWET) based on the clients own authored questionnaire and profile output.
Australian Federal Police
In conjunction with CPM who are now part of AIM, TLS developed an Australian Federal Police 360 Leadership Profile based on their own capablity framework.
We then developed a questionnaire and output profile.
This profile made use of our automated system branded to the client.
NSW Family & Community Services
In partnership with AIM, TLS developed a Leadership & Culture 360 Profile based on the NSW Family & Community Services Strategic Plan.
This included the development of an aligned framework, questionnaire and output profile.
The profile made use of our automated system branded for the client.
TLS facilitated in conjunction with AIM the feeding back of the profiles to the individuals.
Further Information