Strategic Intelligence Profile (SIP)
In acknowledgement of the importance of Strategic Intelligence in Leadership across organisations in both the public and private sectors TLS developed the
Strategic Intelligence Profile. TLS sought to understand what constitutes Strategic Intelligence and provide a framework to assess areas for personal development.
The Strategic Intelligence Profile takes advantage of current literature, research and strategic facilitation experience identifying five key criteria and
underlying capabilities which underpin Strategic Intelligence.
Strategic Intelligence Model
The SIP is a 360° multi-rater assessment tool whose design provides recipients with specific practical information on their Strategic Intelligence development
needs as seen by themselves and others. This is achieved by comparing how individuals, their supervisor, their colleagues and team members perceive their
strategic intelligence also compared against industry norms of others who have previously completed the profile.
Individual feedback in the profile is communicated anonymously to maintain confidentiality with only the supervisor and self scores being identifiable.
A research manual for the SIP profile is available and is periodically updated taking into account the new norm data.
Feedback is received through the completion of a 60 item questionnaire including written comments on an individual's perceived strategic contribution,
key strengths and development needs.
Based on the results the profile additionally provides helpful tailored guidance on how the recipient can develop their strategic intelligence behaviours
and thus improve their overall leadership.
An accompanying 'Development Guide' ensures profile recipients work through the feedback, arriving at an effective personal development action plan.
Click on the image below to view an extract from a Profile sample
Click on the image below to view an extract from a Development Guide
Further information