Leadership Behaviours Suite Facilitator Accreditation

What is it?

Accreditation licences facilitators in the profiles that form part of the Leadership Behaviours Suite.

The Leadership Behaviours Suite has 3 profile variations.

  • Leadership Behaviours Profile (LBP) multi-rater

    A 360 for leaders or expert specialists with direct reports.

  • Team Member 360 Profile (TM360) multi-rater

    A 360 for team members with no direct reports and/or an aspiring leader.

  • Leadership Development Profile (LDP) single rater

    A self rated leadership profile looking at areas to develop

lbp badge

Who's it for?

Accreditation is open to anyone and is commonly obtained by HR development consultants, in-house HR team members, trainers and line managers. Once accredited you are an Accredited Network Member and will receive a number of membership benefits and ongoing support when ordering this product.

How's it done?

The accreditation is online & can be completed at your own pace. Includes Video Learning Modules, a Workbook and completion of a Leadership Behaviours Profile followed up with a one-on-one feedback session.

Already Accredited?

Sharpen your skills and receive instructions on the latest enhancements to the profile and its supporting materials. Preferential pricing is available - please select "Refresher" from the course options below.


For the Leadership Behaviours Suite online Accreditation please register below.

Leadership Behaviours Suite Online Accreditation

Video learning modules, Workbook, LBP Profile & a 1 on 1 remote feedback session.

USD $500 

Complete at your own pace

For further information on the Leadership Behaviours Model & Profile Suite, click on the image below.


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