High Performing Team (HPT) Profile

The High Performing Team (HPT) Profile provides a gateway to unlocking a team's full potential driving sustainable success. This multirater assessment tool seeks views from within the team including the leader and from external stakeholders who interact with them.

The High Performing Team Model which the profile is based upon, combines research and conventional wisdom on the behaviours and attributes that can unlock a team's potential. Evidence suggests that a team made up of a group of people with complementary skills working together, to achieve a common goal, typically out-performs individuals. Uncovering the behavioural patterns that leads to a team being effective has led to the development of this High Performing Team Model.

High Performing Team Model
HPT Model

The model consists of 5 success factors whereby frequently observed behaviours in these areas can lead to a team's high performance.

  • Led - The team is appropriately and effectively led.
  • Aligned - The team is aligned internally and with other key stakeholder groups in the pursuit of clear goals and values.
  • Effective - The team is effective at decision making, problem solving and recognising opportunities.
  • Adaptive - Team members are quick learners and change-responsive.
  • Harmonious - The team is open, co-operative, supportive and trusting.

The HPT Profile feedback is achieved through the completion of a 20 question survey completed by team members and external stakeholders who interact with the team complete a 5 question survey.

The profile reports back quantitative and qualitative results that culminate a thorough overview of the teams’ successes and areas for improvement. This is compared with the norm data from previous respondents.

Accompanying the profile is a development guide. This assists with formal identification of the strengths of the team that can be leveraged and where opportunities for improvement lie such that a Team development action plan can be created.

The High Performing Team Profile is invaluable for:

  • Science-Backed insights: The HPT Profile uses a proven model to measure team behaviours against the five critical success factors.
    These factors are the cornerstone of high-performing teams.
  • Multi-Rater Feedback: Provides a comprehensive view of a team's performance with input from team members, leaders, and key stakeholders. This full-circle approach ensures an unbiased and wellrounded understanding of a team's strengths and development areas.
  • Actionable Strategies: The profile provides tailored, practical advice and suggestions for improvement, helping teams achieve real, measurable progress.
  • Benchmarking Against Norms: Compares the team's results with industry norms, identifying where they excel and where the team can reach new heights.
Roadmap (Click an image to enlarge)

A research manual for the HPT profile is available and is periodically updated taking into account new norm data.


Click on the image below to view an extract from a Profile sample

HPT Cover

Click on the image below to view an extract from a Development Guide

HPT Dev Guide Cover

Click on the image below to view an extract from the research manual

HPT Dev Guide Cover
Further information
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