New South Wales State Government Profile (NSW)

The NSW Capability Framework (NSWCF), is a 2013 mandated scheme for use across the State of NSW. This Framework, updated in 2020, is primarily intended to assist areas of Job Design; Recruitment; Performance Development; Mobility; Learning and Development; Career Planning; and Workforce Planning.

The basic framework covers five groups or clusters of capabilities (e.g. Relationships) and within each cluster there are four capabilities (e.g. Work Collaboratively).

In 2014 the Centre for Public Management (CPM, a division of AIM), in partnership with Team Leadership Services (TLS), developed a baseline 360-degree feedback tool (a 50 page Profile report) which was based upon the NSWCF. This tool was developed in consultation with the NSW Public Service Commission for use within most roles.

The key feature of the profile questionnaires is that an individual's 'Job Role Description' determines the required 'level of capability' against which they will be assessed from 'Adept'; 'Advanced' to 'Highly Advanced'.

New South Wales Capability Framework
NSW Model

In one study from nearly 800 NSW 360 questionnaires received, from various departments, the performance ranking at the 'Capability Group' level is interesting. The strongest results are for the 'Relationships' and 'Personal Attributes' Capability groups.

The lowest scoring capability group is 'People Management' closely followed by 'Business Enablers'. Particular capabilities that score lowest are not 'Managing and Developing People' and 'Communicating Effectively'; difficulties in 'Managing Reform and Change'; not 'Optimising Business Outcomes'; and 'Financial' issues. 'Project' and also appear to have improvement scope.

NSW Spread


Click on the image below to view an extract from a Profile sample

NSW Cover
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