Australian Public Service - Integrated Leadership System - 360 Suite

This profile suite was originally based on a Senior Executive Leadership Capability Framework (SELCF), and later the Australian Public Service Commissions 'Integrated Leadership System' (ILS), there are three core tools in this suite with some seniority variants.

  • The Senior Leadership Profile (SLP)
    For Senior Executive Service Band 1 and Band 2 (SES B1 & SES B2)
  • The Executive Leadership Profile (ELP)
    For Executive Level 1 and 2 (EL1 & EL2)
  • Team Leadership Profile (TLP)
    For APS level 5 & 6 (APS5 & APS6)

These leadership 360 profiles based on the ILS have been extensively used overtime for Australian Federal Government Leaders and within other APS organisations.

The ILS was first introduced as a tool for selection and development. Individual descriptions and behavioural indicators were identified for individual 'capabilities' at each of the SES Bands and ultimate for Executive and Team Leader levels. Its five 'capability clusters' are:

  • Shapes Strategic Thinking
  • Achieves Results
  • Cultivates Productive Working Relationships
  • Exemplifies Personal Drive and Integrity; and
  • Communicates with Influence
The ILS Framework
The ILS Framework

The suite of 360° Leadership Profiles have been created to provide feedback at the appropriate level of seniority and include 'critical transition points' such that individuals can be 'signposted' to develop for the next level of management. In total the ILS has created a 'Leadership Pathway'. The Pathway specifically identifies behavioural elements for potential leaders at each stage of their career path, with behaviours identified at one level becoming the 'floor level' for the levels above. In this way the Pathway supports the development of all levels at different career points.

The three variant profiles:

  • accepts that the ILS competency framework provides the best basis for helping improve leadership practice in the APS
  • utilises 360 degree survey/feedback methodology
  • has wide application across different types of management and APS agencies; and
  • the questionnaire instrument has internal consistency and reliability
  • current records show 69,685 questionnaires have been recorded across these three types of profile reports

Team Leadership Services developed this suite of profiles in Partnership with the Centre For Public Management in Canberra and Australian Institute of Management in Sydney.

An accompanying workbook helps to extract key insights from the profile range and create a practical action plan to maintain and/or improve your work performance.

ELP Spread

The pulse report (6-8 month accountability check)

A pulse report per profile across the range is available and represents a snapshot of progress along an individual's leadership development journey six to eight months beyond the original 360 event.

Personal Development Objectives set at the 360 stage are measured as power behaviours by the self and supervisor through a 16 item questionnaire.


Click on the image below to view an extract from an SLP Profile sample

SLP Cover

Click on the image below to view an extract from an ELP Profile sample

ELP Cover

Click on the image below to view an extract from an TLP Profile sample

TLP Cover
Further information
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