360 Profile Accreditation
Access to and usage of the Team Leadership Services suite of 360 profiles is gained via an Accreditation process delivered online. The Accreditation process ensures in-depth understanding of the Leadership system,
its theoretical and research base, ethical boundaries and practical application. Accreditation licenses individuals in our suite of 360 degree feedback tools.
Accreditation is open to anyone and is commonly obtained by Learning and Development Professionals.
For more information on this specific Accreditation service, please click here: 360 Accreditation
Leadership Behaviours Profile Accreditation
Our flagship product, the Leadership Behaviours Profile, is provided via an online platform and is designed as a self-paced learning engagement.
Online Accreditation in our Private Sector Profiles
Accreditation in the other private sector profiles in our 360 suite is obtained by the individual's attendance on a virtual workshop.
The workshops are hosted online by one of our Master Accredited Trainers and are held at regular intervals
Intelligent Leader Accreditation
This Accreditation Workshop day licences accredited users in the following profiles.
Leadership Behaviours Profile
This powerful 360º feedback product measures eight factors of effective leadership. Your clients will be able to spotlight their leadership strengths and weaknesses and receive development advice.
More information on the LBP Product
Team Member 360 Profile
Using the LBP model, and style of profile report, this 360º product removes the assumption that the individual receiving the feedback has direct report staff. How to lead through influence becomes the main benefit realised from the feedback.
More information on the TM360 Product
Leadership Development Profile
The Leadership Development Profile is a self-rated profile which is designed to assist an individual identify and prioritise areas for development and provide guidance to help improve their leadership skills in these areas. It is based on the same leadership model as the multi-rater 360º Leadership Behaviour Profile (LBP).
The emphasis in the LDP is on an individual's leadership development and the energy they are prepared to exert in order to improve themselves.
More information on the LDP Product
Strategic Intelligence Assessment
The Strategic Intelligence Assessment (SIA) is a 360º feedback report developed by Team Leadership Services to assist leaders in their aim to be more strategic.
It is designed to provide recipients with specific practical information on their Strategic Intelligence development needs.
More information on the SIA Product
Emotional and Social Intelligence
The Emotional and Social Intelligence Profile (ESI) is a feedback report based on the results of a multi-rater 60 item questionnaire.
The ESI compares observed emotional and social intelligence by the self and close colleagues.
Specifically, ESI provides feedback on:
- observed behaviour in 12 capabilities;
- perceived leadership contributions over the previous six months; as well as suggestions on how the subject might develop their emotional and social intelligence.
More information on the ESI Product
Intelligent Leader Accreditation
Click the above image to see more information.
In-House customised programme
Further Information
Would you like more information on In-House customised Accreditation?
The cost of an In-House Accreditation Workshop is dependent on the choice of profiles and quantity of participants. Economy of scale is gained with greater number of participants.
Accreditation includes comprehensive course materials.
You can be licensed in the following suite of Profiles via the online accreditation:
Testimonials from accredited consultants:
"I have used the TLS 360 products for over 10 years in both Northern and Southern Hemisphere. The Profiles have face validity and always leads to a balanced action plan and individual behavioural change. The website process and support is second to none"
- Michael Crean, Country Manager: SKF Service Division - United Kingdom
"Working with a group of more than 20 senior Australian Public Service Managers, I was struck by how user-friendly participants found the Leadership Behaviours Profile and how much they got out of it.
Six months later the group were re-measured and showed significant improvement in their overall leadership, having successfully addressed the feedback they received. The profiles are a very worthwhile exercise which I shall be repeating with other comparable groups."
- John Baker, Executive Director: Centre for Public Management Pty Ltd (CPM) - Canberra
"I recently used the Team Diagnostic Profile with two different client teams with the aim of clarifying any team issues and then helping them move towards resolution of those issues. Both exercises went well. The first team really needed to behave more often like an outstanding team. The other team, however, had some long standing team issues and home truths were fronted. In conjunction with the Team Management Profile (TMP) the Team Diagnostic Profile made it possible to work through a process of ‘problem-solving and decision-making’, a sort of ‘green meeting’ where the team were able to convert some new thinking into a 90 day plan. Some elements were small team behaviours whilst others included more significant 90 day projects. The act of asking themselves: ‘where do we need to be different?’ represented an important step forward. The questionnaire itself was easy to fill out and the profile helped with coaching advice for each of the 10 factors of effective teamwork. I intend to use the profile with other teams that need to improve their performance and dynamic."
- Andrew Pattinson, General Manager: Instigo - Sydney
"I have been very impressed with TLS’s professionalism and expertise in the area of Leadership Behaviour Systems and 360 Profiles. Their client service has been exceptional, willing to do whatever it takes to see our program and business succeed. They have been flexible in the way they have worked to ensure we get excellent work, delivered on time and to our budget limitations. I am happy to recommend Team Leadership Services."
- Ben Callaghan, Business Development Manager: Outward Bound - Australia